Our ridiculous school supply list! Do you remember when all you needed was a few spiral notebooks and pencils? Some of the stuff is understandable, but seriously I'm about to buy stock in Klenex. What's with all the tissues? Then the colors, has anyone ever seen a Burgundy binder? I'm with my neighbor, I'm going to buy all white binders and write the colors on them!
5 back packs
3 towels
plastic pocket folders:
x3 red
x2 blue
x3 green
x13 yellow
x1 black
x4 any color folder
x7 1 inch 3 ring binder (Any color)
x1 1 inch red binder
x1 2 inch black binder
x2 1 inch green binder (2 with three holes)
x2 dark blue 2 inch binder
x2 Burgundy binder
x3 fiskers scissors
x3 headphones x3 24 count crayons
x1 box crayola broad line markers
x20 glue sticks
x2 bottle elmers glue
x14 dry erase markers
x5 boxes of tissue
x2 box pencils
x1 gallon storage bags
x1 heavy duty laminated folder with pockets
x3 marble notebooks
x2 pencil bag
x4 large pink erasers
x4 highlighters
x9 100 page spiral notebooks
x1 gallon storage bags
x3 blue or black erasable pens
x1 box colored pencils
x3 ruler
x6 two pocket folders assorted colors
x2 packages sticky notes
x3 500 ct. notebook paper
x 8 dividers
x2 protractor
x2 compass
x2 calculator
x12 pkg index cards
x2 safety goggles
x 2red pens
x2 black fine tip sharpie
x2 white eraser
x2 9x12 spiral sketchbook
x2 22x28 white poster board
x2 zip lock pouches
x2 100 ct paper
Note: I am gladly accepting donations for next years list!
Wow! That's a long list! And what is the $14 for? The teacher to pocket? LOL I know that having 5 kids in school makes the list longer than it normally would be, but that is just ridiculous, even for 5 kids. Plus, most schools have you send in "extras" that go into a "class fund", so to speak....when Sean starts school, I will NOT be sending him with stuff to go into the group fund (such as crayons, etc.)....when I buy school supplies for MY child, MY child will be the one to use them! /rant....sorry, lol