Sunday, October 28, 2018

Teenagers are the reason they created xanax

               Teenagers are the reason they created xanax.

 People will see this blog post title and laugh, but this is no joke. This is a warning! Teens will test every ounce of your self control and when they see your last straw has broken they push a little more. I am like ninety nine percent sure Gandhi was only so calm because he had to have had a nanny or something! I had an uncle who lived to be like a hundred and six, he never married or had kids...just saying. I am positive xanax was created for moms of teens.

 I was spoiled by my oldest. He always kind of did his own thing. He kept his nose clean and just did what he needed to do to get through school. The most stressful thing with him was people bullying him. Then my first daughter turned into a teen, OH MY GOODNESS. I was blindsided people. She was my best friend one day and the next she'd glare at me and tell me how annoying I was. I'll never forget crying the first time she said that. I've come to realize since then they are like everyone else and say things they don't mean. I've also accepted that sometimes they really don't like me and that's okay. Still sometimes something comes out of their mouth that cuts me to the core. The classic "You're not my mother" gets me every time. Sometimes when they are being jerk face's I resort to a five year old in my mind. I'll stand there smiling, but my brain is singing songing I'm rubber you're glue.

 I will take the way they treat me a hundred times over rather than be treated the way they treat each other. No joke some day they start fighting at like 6 AM. 6 freaking AM!!! I have not had an sip of caffeine, my eyes are still partially shut and all I hear is "you're such a bitch" from the bedroom. No lie I've gone back and laid in bed ignoring it. That's when I get dragged into it. Trust me no matter what I will be wrong and all anger turns on me. There is no winning when trying to defuse a sister fight. If you can get away with the fake sleep for real do it. I will add that only they are allowed to be mean to each other. Let someone else be mean to one of them and it's on.

 I have had to pick up one from a college party when she was in high school. I know very 1980's movie cliche, right? Watch for a blog post to come called "The night I picked my daughter up from a college party." It will be well worth the read I assure you. I have sat through hearing about enough teenage drama to keep the writers on Teen Nick busy for the next ten years. My house is like a twenty four seven reality show. I have held my teens as they cried over friends or boys. Now that I mention boys... you know what let's not talk about the boys.

If you don't have teen girls yet let me make this very clear right now. Your makeup, shoes, etc is no longer just yours. They'll take it and use it without thinking twice. If you're lucky you'll get it back before they use it all or lose it. They'll borrow the shoes you take such good care of and scuff them all up. Then again one day they'll be all dressed up for a special occasion and ask to borrow a piece of jewelry. When you look at them you just know that piece of jewelry could never look more beautiful on anyone else. Take a picture chances are you will never see that jewelry again.

 I like to think after having ten kids over twenty years and ten kids I'm somewhat of a knowledgeable person when it comes to raising kids, but still sometimes they do something that leaves my mouth gaping open. I have seven girls ya''all. Somebody save me!

They stress me out and test me more often than I like to admit, but I know I am blessed. My girls are smart, strong, and best of all kind. They are hard workers and are on the right paths.

Note: I am not making light of anxiety. I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder and know how serious it is.

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