Thursday, May 14, 2015

Carpet Stain Remover

I have a very old cat who sometimes has an accident. We all know cat pee smells bad and the smell is near impossible to get rid of. I wasn't totally convinced this cleaner would work to get rid of the smell, but I was thrilled that it did! There was no sign of the slightest odor or stain when I was done! Best part the smell stayed gone. 
I just sprayed it one, scrubbed a bit and BAM it was clean. It was that simple. I also found this gets rid of smells on upholstery. It cleaned my couch better than anything ever has.  It's hard to believe a product that's so easy to use could work so well. I really wasn't expecting those results. This is a top quality product!
I recommend this to anyone with pets or kids. 

I received this to review. My opinions are my own.

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